Type 2 Audits & Upgrades

Dulwich Bakery


Dulwich Bakery was looking to reduce their energy bills and minimise their impact on the environment. The business needed a cost-effective solution, which addressed their energy usage from various angles.


Through a type 2 energy audit Sol Energy identified a number of areas for savings and improvements such as lighting, refrigeration, energy storage, and solar. With the assistance of a government grant the bakery was able to implement all efficiency measures outlined in the report, generating substantial ongoing savings. Upon the conclusion of the audit, the state government made additional grant funding available for the implementation of appropriate measures uncovered in the audit.

  • 30kWh – battery capacity
  • 98kW – solar capacity

The Results

Dulwich Bakery implemented all the findings of the audit, subsequently offsetting their energy costs and paying them off in just over 5 years.

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